Lactose intolerance Individuals who lack the enzyme lactase are not able to digest lactose, a sugar common in milk and milk products. This causes sym…
So what is diarrhea? How it occurs? & what’s treatment of diarrhea? Diarrhea is the opposite of constipation so When the contents of the inte…
Exercise seems to be a very important thing. Whether it is improved heart health and lowering blood pressure or something as superficial as looking b…
laxatives and weight loss Lubricant laxatives Drug category and usage Plain mineral oil or emulsified mineral oil emulsions are monograph laxative…
To understand how to treat constipation we have to know first, how constipation happens and why? Constipation is a difficulty of defecation ( sto…
How people get pinworms? Pinworms in large intestine Pinworm infection is common among young children and usually acquired in kinder gardens, …
Poisons treatment with O.T.C drug products Accidental swallowing of toxic materials can occur at many levels and many circumstances, many people may…
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