Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy Nausea and vomiting Nausea and vomiting have many causes, including local irritation of the gastric mucosa, alte…
Gas and bloating colic of gas and bloating How often do you get these conditions, flatulence, gas, distention, pressure, bloating, and feeling of…
Continue Gastrointestinal Drug Information heart burn Antacids Part II We Highly Recommend You to Review Part I Bismuth subsalicylate (Drug i…
DISEASE ENCYCLOPEDIA G.I.T Canal Physiology VS Pathology Just as physiology is the study of the way in which the body works, pathology is the …
Medicine Terminology For Public:- Did you hear something about your drug that you could’t understand? Did you try once to read a drug leaflet an…
Medical Terminology For Public Do you understand when two physicians talk a bout your case? This article will cross the boundaries between you and y…
Simply Microbiology for dummies Microbiology is the branch of science that concerned with the micro-organisms. Micro-organisms- organisms that c…
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